Saturday 3 September 2011

Karate Session tommrow!

Hi karate fans, if you are a white belt and want to see what karate is like, or maybe you just want to go and train. There is a session tommrow.

It is in the morning and it is very fun. White belts you should maybe try a session. Check the karate site for for some more information and where it is...

Here is the site link

Friday 2 September 2011

Join Squad!

Hey guys, there is more to karate than just training, so why don't you join squad? You don't have to be any kind of belt. You can be a white belt and above. Where ever you live there will be a squad there somewhere! But, there is some rules about squad, here they are...

1. You can NOT miss one, if you miss 3 of them. Not in a month, or a year, FOREVER. You get kicked out of squad FOREVER

2. Even if your ill you have to still go down there in your gi and take a notepad and pen to write things down and watch.

3. If you are on holiday or maybe a family meal without telling the sensei. You will get one strike. You HAVE to tell the teacher to not get a strike then he will put you in the diary and he will know when your not coming!

So why not, join squad! You will meet new friends and get your belts faster! Come on, no need to be shy. I say you join!  

Did you go?

Hello GKR karate guys, did you go to the founder of GKR club training in Manchester, England today? Those who did not go. It was very fun. It was about a week ago now. Really good, sorry if you could not come.

Some people got there gi signed and some people got there belt signed. I got my belt signed. Some people were very lucky they got to spar him! Some people even got the mixing pads signed too! A orange belt got to where his black belt for a bit! It was really fun.

Hope you guys can come to the next one. It was fun too one who came.

Thursday 1 September 2011

Got your Shinbun yet?

Read the title, have you got it yet? Ok first of all, white belts. You may not know what this is. A shinbun is a magazine for GKR karate. Yes, a magazine! Its a really good one too! It has lots in it say volume 18 I have it has. Little karate masters comic. Kids in the kitchen, Like GKR on facebook and youtube. Trust me, there's lots more in there! 

If you do want this magazine it is 4 pound or dollars or whatever. You don't have to go all the way down to shop. Next time you go to your karate training ask your sensei ' Can I order the shinbun magazine please?' Give him the money and BOOM you get it next time you train! 

Welcome to the karate blog!

Hey guys, are you a GKR karate trainer or do you want to start GKR karate? Well if its any of them, this is the blog for you! This blog will tell you about all the stuff we do at GKR karate. When were training, the latest gradings and alot more. I will also tell you where classes are and what time they are. This blog will help you know about karate and what's its all about. Its not just all punching and kicking there's alot more to it!

Come on guys! GKR is for 3+ yes, 3+ you can be tottaly any age over 3. If you or your kids are over 3, well why not. Come on, what are you waiting for? Join!